
2023 World Solar Photovoltaic Industry Expo (formerly 15th Guangzhou International Solar Photovoltaic Exhibition)

Time:Thu Aug 8 09:00 CST 2024 ~ Sat Aug 10 17:00 CST 2024 Location:Canton Fair Exhibition Hall Type:Exhibition Cost: Free Size:15000 people 4960 people interest 18 people signed up
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2023 World Solar Photovoltaic Industry Expo (formerly 15th Guangzhou International Solar Photovoltaic Exhibition)

Time: August 8th to 10th, 2023 Place: Guangzhou. China Import and Export Commodity Fair Exhibition Hall

Solar photovoltaic refers to the process of converting sunlight into electrical energy. Solar photovoltaic has many benefits, including clean and renewable energy in areas with sufficient sunlight, reduce dependence on traditional fossil fuels, and reduce environmental pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, solar photovoltaic systems have long life and low maintenance costs, and can be used for many years.

Due to the increase in energy demand caused by the increasing population, the demand for sustainable energy resources in the world for sustainable energy resources has increased. In addition, in recent years, governments have been formulating and introducing relevant policies and regulations for low -carbon emission reduction. The dependence of fossil fuel to control environmental pollution. This will greatly promote the growth of the solar photovoltaic industry in the world. Because China's photovoltaic industry technology is currently in the world's leading position, "photovoltaic outsourcing" is also becoming a beautiful "Chinese business card" for Chinese companies.

Continuously growing global solar photovoltaic market

According to a research report from the investigation consulting company PreceDence Research, the global solar photovoltaic (PV) market size is expected to be US $ 176.4 billion in 2023, and it is expected to exceed US $ 250.63 billion by 2030, and from 2022 to 2030, it will make a composite of 5.1%from 2022 to 2030. The annual growth rate increases.

The research report published by the European Solar Photovoltaic Industry Association Solarpower EUROPE "Global Market Outlook for Solar Power: 2022-2026" introduced that since 2021, solar power generation has once again become the largest source of power generation in the world. Among the more than 3 million kilowatts of renewable energy power generation capacity, solar photovoltaic power generation accounted for 56%, and grid -connected power generation was 1.678 million kilowatts. Considering that in 2021, the installed capacity of solar energy only exceeds the sum of all other renewable technologies, which means that solar technology will lead global energy transformation.

According to data from the China Photovoltaic Industry Association, the total exports of Chinese photovoltaic products (silicon wafers, battery films, components) in China exceeded 51.2 billion US dollars, an increase of 80.3%year -on -year. The growth of the foreign photovoltaic market and the global new energy demand. In 2022, China's photovoltaic products exported to various continents to varying degrees of growth, of which the European market increased the largest, an increase of 114.9%year -on -year. From the perspective of the division, the silicon wafers and battery films are mainly exported to Asia. In terms of component exports, the Netherlands maintains the largest market position in China's photovoltaic components, and the Poland and Portugal markets are among the top 10.

Shi Lili, a researcher at the Energy Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that China's exported photovoltaic products have obvious competitiveness worldwide. Complete industrial chain and technological innovation are the main sources of competitiveness. At the same time, the export of optical products has become an important starting point for China's stabilization of foreign trade and promoting the economy.

In terms of "going to sea", Dr. Zeng Shaojun, Secretary -General of the New Energy Chamber of Commerce, suggested that Chinese photovoltaic companies first carry out the industrial chain layout worldwide to avoid trade barriers; secondly, we must lay out more diversified markets. In particular , Latin and other emerging markets. In addition, we must pay attention to the innovation of business models, and rely on the local area in terms of customer relationships and after -sales; in addition, it is necessary to invest in the formulation of low -carbon standards for the entire life cycle of the product.

Aside from non -resistant factors such as political policies, in addition to working hard to improve the level of hard power such as products and technology, Chinese photovoltaic enterprises also need to enhance the brand awareness and marketing customers such as Dr. Zeng Shaojun. How to upgrade from "products to sea" to "brand out" is a new challenge that Chinese foreign trade companies are facing. In particular, the epidemic that lasted three years has accelerated the digital transformation process of all enterprises at home and abroad, and the form of shaping brands and establishing marketing channels has changed a lot. Chinese photovoltaic companies must also actively keep up with the rhythm.

As a clean, renewable, and efficient energy industry, the photovoltaic industry has huge market potential and social value. And with the increasing demand for energy conservation and emission reduction and climate change, solar photovoltaic energy will definitely become mainstream energy solutions. The out of China has also become one of the important strategic directions of China's foreign trade export industry, and it will also break the old impression of Chinese foreign trade enterprises based on low -end products, upgrading China's foreign trade enterprise image and benefiting other overseas companies.

The Guangzhou Solar Photovoltaic Exhibition is an exhibition focusing on display and promotion of solar and photovoltaic technology. The exhibition brings together solar, photovoltaic vendors, experts, and scholars from all over the world to show everyone the latest technology, products and solutions.

This exhibition will be held in the exhibition hall of Guangzhou. The exhibition will include various types of booths, such as photovoltaic components, solar panels, inverters, battery energy storage systems, intelligent control systems, and so on. In addition, there will be various themes and technical forums to provide participants with a communication platform and share the latest technology and experience.

Solar and photovoltaic technology has always been a hot topic in the field of green energy, and it is also an important way to reduce energy consumption and reduce environmental pollution. In the past few years, with the continuous development and progress of solar and photovoltaic technology, more and more enterprises and individuals have invested in this field. Therefore, this exhibition will provide a valuable opportunity for exhibitors and visitors, understand the latest technology and trends, and explore the future development direction.

As a green exhibition, the Guangzhou Solar Photovoltaic Exhibition will also promote the concept of sustainable development and increase the public's understanding of environmental protection and energy saving. We believe that through this exhibition, we can stimulate more people's innovation and imagination, and work together to achieve the goal of sustainable development.

If you are a person who cares about the environment and loves technology, then I believe you must not miss this exhibition. Sign up quickly!

Organizing Committee Registration Office

Guangdong Hongwei International Convention and Exhibition Group Co., Ltd.

Contact person: Zhang Tianci (Mr.)

Mobile number: 170-9031-4142


Email number: pvexpo@qq.com

Time:Thu Aug 8 09:00 CST 2024 ~ Sat Aug 10 17:00 CST 2024

Location:Canton Fair Exhibition Hall

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